Original introduction (2009). Mark Zuckerberg is not your friend. He isn't a genius either, just in the right place at the right time, like Bill Gates. He went to gee-wow Harvard, did you fall for that come-on like Bill Gates used to use? Both of them dropped out without learning anything, but forever used the name for their marketing cachet, you are pitched the H-word in their every intro, it works in the blink of an eye. No coincidence, Mark Zuckerberg is a wannabe Bill Gates with designs on an eternal monopoly in social networking, which would result in a new Dark Ages like Gates forced on us with operating systems, but that's just for starters. His immature selfish whats-in-it-for-me practices starting with ripping off the Winklevii then trampling personal and privacy rights of his zucker users to position himself for riches no matter whom he hurts are despicable, and are indicative of much worse to come, which is just one reason he must be stopped.

Isn't it just too easy to sign up and get started in their closed fool's paradise where they have all the rights and you're at their mercy? The immediate threat of Facebook is that it lures people into a private Internet of its own with no universal resource locators (urls), ruining the original concept while swallowing you up into their world where they have all the rights and you have all the risks. If your account is closed by Facebook, you disappear from the Internet, while their fine print gives them eternal ownership of all data you input to their ZuckerBase, what a Devil's bargain. And what recourse do you have if they boot you out of their fool's paradise but to grovel and beg?

But it's far worse than it appears on the disturbing surface, because all the signals are there that he wants to rule the world as the Antichrist, for instance, keeping the company private and wanting everybody to give up their privacy to him and him alone, like in Revelation 13:16 where it says he will put his mark on everybody's forehead and no one will be able to buy or sell without the Mark of the Beast = Mark ZuckerBeast.

And when it says forehead it means forehead. As of 2011 Facebook has FACE RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY built into its software, identifying everybody from their photos. What a convenient feature... for the ANTICHRIST!

And when they identify you, they really identify you, because you have to give them you real ID just to join. In case you still don't get it, Facebook is the first major free Internet service that forces everybody to unambiguously supply their real identity, no fake IDs or aliases like in the good ole days of freedom: they've got you where you LIVE. This has been the great goal of the governments of the world and every sinister corporation since Day One - and he's got how many zuckers who already did it, including probably you?

But Mark Zuckerberg is just a young schmuck who wears a hoodie, totally harmless? Remember Emperor Caligula in that 1979 movie? He started out as a cute Roman boy who wore army boots. Forget the old theories that Bill Gates was the Antichrist, this could be the dude. Gates just kept holding you back with horrible buggy software that you had to pay for again and again under the guise of new versions, but Mark Zuckerberg can get you where you live by owning and using your private data at will, forever, without any ability to protect yourself or your loved ones.

If you still don't get it, the government is readily granting Facebook numerous patents on such basic stuff as location social networking, even a trademark on "Face" (even your face!), bolstering their monopoly status. Why? Because once everybody has given Facebook all their private data, all the government has to do is go after them, under or over the table, to get it and use it to create George Orwell's feared Big Brother as portrayed in his novel 1984. The news of the Goldman Sachs investment might raise the specter of international bankers finally getting their hands on your private data too. Even if the government doesn't go after them, Facebook might one day get big enough to go after the government, which could become the ultimate nightmare, your decision to keep your account was an easy one?

For these reasons no future user-supportable social networking site should be able to get your private data, it should be set up so that not even they can access it without your permission, probably via public key encryption. So how much private data have you given to Facebook so far? We need to abandon the monopolistic Facebook ZuckerBeast model for a new social network model based on our own urls that we own and control.

Speaking of the early 1980s, if you could go back and buy Microsoft's competitors' operating systems, wouldn't you, to stop Gates? Well wake up and stop the ZuckerBeast, or you will live to rue these happy days when you failed to act. The only way to stop Mark Zuckerberg and his horrible Highway to Hell cold is to FLEE THE ZUCKERBEAST AND BOYCOTT FACEBOOK by deleting your account after telling your social network to do ditto, in hopes that a saner, safer, more democratic alternative will arise that connects everybody with proper safeguards against megalomaniac people and groups, public and private.

Revelation 13:16-18 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a MARK in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the MARK, or the name of the BEAST, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six (666).



If you're still on Facebook you're a zucker!

Facebook is like that Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man": you will end up being consumed by it. It will end up like that Twilight Zone episode "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet": you will have to risk your life to get out of it, if you're smart enough to see the danger before it's too late, and be called crazy for doing it and most likely be hauled away in a straightjacket. Facebook is like The Matrix, it will end up becoming the world to you while zucking you dry, yes sir, the only exit I got near you is the Winslow Overpass. If Revelation 13:16-18 has a meaning, Zuckerberg and Facebook are it, a horrible end to all personal privacy offered free like a Trojan Horse, or like addictive drugs.

Too bad, while Facebook has 2 billion zuckers and, until the 2018 scandal, was growing daily, this little warning site seems to only get a handful of new users every time they get a million, the smart ones in a million who will be saved when the ZuckerBeast closes the trap. Don't be sorry later, spread the message to those you love and give them this link. Think voice crying in the wilderness, locusts and wild honey. No, don't put this url on your Facebook page! Okay do, but only as long as it takes to alert your zuckered social network and delete your account. How sad from where I stand to see "" hitting this site - while the zuckers trapped inside think they're in charge.

Think airport body scanners are bad? If I set up a Web site that asked you to dump your mind to me and sign a release saying I own the data, would you do it, or would you flee my trap fast? So why do you keep your Facebook account? Don't even cattle have an inkling when they're herded into the slaughterhouse? So why does everyone seem to be queueing up to let the NSA, CIA, and who knows what sinister government agencies get their innermost thoughts and secrets without a fight? Humans: the most intelligent life on Earth, what's in your wallet, moo? Flee the ZuckerBeast now and feel the relief.

Did you ever hear about somebody having their Facebook account summarily closed without any notice, hearings, jury, or due process of any kind? It happens all the time, even Roger Ebert. After that, you don't even have an account to log onto and post an appeal. Meanwhile they keep all the data on your closed account that only they can access, and use it for any purpose, without recourse. You might have spent years building a social network, and now it's gone, except not really, they have it and can use it, not you. Why do they never issue warnings when they decide that something you uploaded is objectionable and give time to reply or delete it yourself? Why do they go for summary deletion of accounts? Why don't they just delete objectionable content and let you keep your account? They could even restrict your posting privileges after multiple violations, but let you keep your account. Answer: Because they keep everything and stop you from stopping them! It was never a democracy, it was an autocracy, and you're nothing to them, it's about numbers and power and money. If you think it was bad when done to you or a friend of yours, multiply it by a billion zuckers and terabytes of free private data and see what the evil of Facebook is all about, mwuhahaha, give me the sheep shears.

Facebook is like the evil Sauron of Mordor in The Lord of the Rings, an all-seeing evil eye that seeks to dominate and ultimately crush all life. The quest for the ownership and control of Facebook is like the quest for the One Ring, which absolutely corrupts all who seek to possess it - nobody associated with it can ever be trusted.

Time for a hero to arise? The One, like in The Matrix? The best way to destroy the Facebook monopoly would be for an insider or hacker to upload the site's software around the Internet, allowing anybody to use it to set up their own clone site. Think of it as as Facebook WikiLeaks. All social networking sites should be non-profit like Wikipedia, to take the greed and lust for power out of the equation, and open up a golden era for the Internet. Let's hope the hero just uploads the software, not the private data, which would be a V for Sauron - no, like the One Ring, the data must be cast into the fires of Mordor and destroyed, if possible, but at least not spread outside Facebook's Mount Doom. Not that a clone site that starts out with zero content then zuckers you into adding all the content while giving them all rights to use it as they see fit is worth cloning, but if 90% of their users opted to splinter into clone sites, ending the monopoly, and they had saner terms of service, the ZuckerBeast would be dead, for now - aspiring ZuckerBeasts would be relegated to tiny kingdoms instead of owning the whole world.

Big laugh: On July 3, 2011 they finally let out a news release about how nobody should "worry" when this is done to them, giving procedures for reinstating your account. This after untold numbers suffered deleted accounts for years and Google finally released their Facebook-killer Google+. And of course they didn't automatically email the deleted zuckers this info. and provide links for corrective action, any more than they emailed them with a warning before they pulled their plugs, because we get it, after all, Facebook is in the lives of over umpteen zillion American zuckers. Don't buy anything the ZuckerBeast tells you, boycott it forever until it is dead dead dead!

In Feb. 2019 the U.K. Parliament labeled Facebook as Digital Gangsters, glad to see they caught on.

Bottom line: Why rely on such an unstable evil platform run by untrustworthy losers? Why not just save time and delete your account after warning your social network to do ditto and maybe suggest a new platform such as SocialGo that they can move to, where your rights are more than fart gas out of Zuckerberg's gigabuck butt? Hopefully more apps will appear that let you move all your Facebook friends to Google+ and other platforms where Zuckerberg's shadow won't fall on you.

Video claims that Facebook is a CIA front

Web Creator Tim Berners-Lee Warns That Facebook is a Threat to the Future of the Web

Facebook's New Terms of Service: We Can Do Anything We Want With Your Content, Forever!

Flee the ZuckerBeast!

On April 10, 2018, Senior Day at the Loveland MetroLux, the Congress finally made the Zuckerberg monster face them and answer questions. How cold and calculating he was, I'll check with my giant faceless staff and get back with you, my former Obama and Hillary staffers that is. But he's more than just another monster. Let's talk plainly. From day one, Zuckerberg has been building an ANTICHRIST MACHINE, which makes you an offer you can't refuse, namely, sell them your soul and they will bring you happiness, joy, and wealth, until they foreclose. At first it seems like giving them all kinds of personal info. about yourself is okay because they're promising to protect it, and of course you have to friend another user to give them limited access to it. But the con game is that they think they have the right to take all personal data from all users and sell it to the highest bidder, regardless of who friended who, just to make a buck. Perhaps worse, they think they have the right to spy on all content between users and act as a censor and cop, deleting accounts at will with no semblance of due process of law, hiring tens of thousands of faceless bureaucrats to rule you like in tsarist Russia. Of course, the FB speech cops are controlled by sick self-hating globalist Marxist leftists who are against everything the U.S. stands for, and who have found a new tool in their war against it. The users aren't simply asked if they want their content filtered or censored, or if they want certain views filtered, they have no choice but to accept what FB gives them. So, they sold your soul to Mammon, and you are the Devil's slave, and Zuckerberg is his son. To quote Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, who deleted his Facebook account in early Apr. 2018: "[Facebook's] profits are all based on the user's info., but the users get none of the profits back... Apple makes money off of good products, not off of you." To avoid overstatement, they don't just sell raw user data, because then they'd lose their monopoly; instead they just use the user data to sell targeted ads, although of course determined individuals don't seem to have a problem getting the raw data when they want it, how many tens of thousands Facebook employees can steal and sell it on the side, suckers!

How many employees, working for what kind of circus peanuts? Ah, Zuckerberg, world's richest man, 66.6 billion dollars. Actually he's a miserable coder and college dropout who couldn't probably work for his own company and could make maybe $100K a year doing entry level coding work for a bank, with overtime. But since he set up his Antichrist Machine to buy your souls for NOTHING, he's having a field day selling them and keeping it ALL, while you've been ROBBED BLIND. Facebook should never have been allowed to exist by the U.S. govt., and I hope they wake up.

My Solution to Bad Facebook, by T.L. Winslow (TLW), Apr. 11, 2018. Last update: Apr. 12, 2018.

What can the govt. do? First, require Facebook to get the permission of every user to release their private data to each and every company individually, not just let them do it at will and auction your soul to the highest bidder. Of course, most people when given the choice will opt OUT of giving their data to most advertisers, and even worse, demand a button to prohibit Facebook from giving their data to all advertisers, so poor little rich kid Zuckerberg might see his revenues dry up, and maybe even have to close the platform down. Boo hoo, what a loss, NOT! If he couldn't get users to pony up donations to keep a nonprofit Facebook going, they didn't really find it of value all along. If Zuckface insists on having no such omnibutton, then users never really had an option in the first place, did they? All along Zuck knew that non-targeted shotgun ads like in the good old days don't bring in enough sales to justify placing them again, meaning it's do or die and he has to make his stand here if he insists on remaining greedy, don't act surprised. I hope the govt. wises up and breaks him, then orders the defunct outfit to destroy all their ill-gotten personal data forever.

What is the alternative? Simple. For over 30 years (since 1985) I've been publishing a book called The Knowledge Club, written when Zuckerberg was still shitting yellow. It was written before there was an Internet, but nobody listened. The basic solution to monstrous monopolies like Facebook has been for the government to take over and run the Internet, and give everybody a lifetime account based on their SSN or corporate tax ID, so that they can facilitate interstate commerce, meaning that the real creators of knowledge products can be assured of being paid, and buzzards and leeches can't flourish. Zuckerberg never creates any wealth, he just steals it through an elaborate scam, because his site claims to facilitate information exchange for free among users, when all along he's making them pay by pummeling them with ads auctioned to the highest bidder after their personal data is used to target them to the most likely customers. If tax money supported the Internet, every Web site would be free, even the most popular, and a generation lured into becoming leeches would have to learn to create real wealth or have to apply for food stamps. Meanwhile the First, Fourth, and Sixth Amendments will protect people's private data from govt. employees, who can be penalized for looking at it, like a physical highway, where each private vehicle can only be stopped and searched by govt. agents under legal restrictions subject to court scrutiny, instead of one wannabe Antichrist being in a position to pry on everyone at will without even having to stop their vehicle.

What do I mean about creators of knowledge getting paid? Ask record companies, book publishers, magazines, newspapers, TV stations, movie companies. The Internet is an Information Superhighway, but unlike Eisenhower's real national superhighway, it's run by a patchwork of private companies each staking out their own sections, like the old days when there were private toll roads and bridges everywhere, killing the trucking industry. Worse, it's a lawless frontier like the Old West, where rampant copyright piracy is the norm globally. Buying and selling knowledge is the new industry, and the privately-owned Internet is not facilitating it but strangling it in the cradle, and only the federal govt. can turn it around, by nationalizing the Internet so that no copyrighted knowledge product can be downloaded by a user without the govt. monitoring it and forcing them to pay the copyright holder royalties. That will make it possible for geniuses to work out of their homes and grow wealthy by the pure effort of their intellects, so that in the future they will be the billionaires, not the buzzards like Zuckerberg. The problem with global copyright pirates like China is more easily handled when the govt. owns all the "pipes" between the two countries. And all control will be under the Congress, i.e., elected representatives of the people, who are under all kinds of laws to prevent personal enrichment.

How will a govt.-owned Internet force consumers to pay for consuming copyrighted products? By making them pay for each download, then crediting the income tax account of the copyright holder for the royalty they have set when they uploaded it to the govt., probably an electronic version of the Library of Congress. The authors will then fold the income into their dealings with the IRS, and should be able to receive a cash refund sent to their bank every quarter if they don't owe back taxes. The side benefit of this vast increase in copyright income will be better tax compliance, a win-win situation. The Facebook type scam sites will shrivel and die. The future will be bright. Monstrosities like Zuckerberg sitting testifying before senators he has the money to buy will go poof. Zuckerberg can declare bankruptcy and go back to college and make something of his life. T.L. Winslow has saved the day, yes, I will accept prizes including cash :)

The new govt. Internet can take advantage of the changeover to make a few tweaks, the first being to add a PASSWORD field to the email system to make spam impossible. If a spammer harvests email addresses and spams them, they emails will have no or wrong passwords and will automatically end up in the users' junk mail bins. When a person gives his friends a password, their emails will end up in separate bins, which will be free of spam. Only the govt. will know the email passwords. Each person should be allowed to add, delete, and change passwords at will, and maintain several at once, so he can segregate mail from different groups of friends into different bins. Spammers will no longer be able to make a living. TLW to the rescue again :)

One side benefit of govt. control of the Internet is that no private devilboy will ever again be in a position to be judge and jury over people's rights to freedom of speech. If I were Suckerberg I'd never censor anybody's posts or close atheir account without a court order. Our constitutional govt. is best left in direct control of that without bozos like him left in the loop.

Let's say that the Internet is nationalized and Facebook runs on govt. servers and their suckers still won't close their accounts, lucky him. First, Zuckerberg won't have any excuse to get money from advertisers by selling them private data to keep his site going. Second, the govt. can easily protect private data as if the owners have copyrights (which they should) and prevent or punish him for trying to sell it to somebody without their permission and paying them royalties. Either way, the monstrous ZuckerBeast will be tamed by the Congress.

Meanwhile, how far will the govt. allow Facebook to go in taking advantage of people and turning them into cows and sheep to be butchered and shorn? It can't be long now before Zuckerberg starts trying to buy Congress off with his gigabucks.

There's another side to the issue? The govt. can grow tyrannical and use its control of the Internet to become Big Brother.

To quote Julian Assange: "Facebook in particular is the most appalling spying machine that has ever been invented. Here we have the world’s most comprehensive database about people, their relationships, their names, their addresses, their locations and the communications with each other, their relatives, all sitting within the United States, all accessible to US intelligence. Facebook, Google, Yahoo – all these major US organizations have built-in interfaces for US intelligence. It’s not a matter of serving a subpoena. They have an interface that they have developed for US intelligence to use."

Let's not compare apples to oranges. This problem is going to be there whatever happens to the Internet and Facebook, and it's up to the People with a Capital P to make their representatives accountable to them now and forever, but at least we can get tricky secretive unaccountable megalomaniac ZuckerBeast out of our lives.

The Winslow Plan for U.S. Govt. Takeover and Regulation of Social Media

by T.L. Winslow, World's Greatest Genius (WGG)
May 19, 2019

Despite all I could do to stop them, now that Facebook, Google, and Twitter (Fagooger) have grown into monopolistic behemoths whose very existence is important to national security and prosperity, making them too big to fail, it's time to nationalize them and put them under total U.S. govt. control. At this point my plan is only sketchy, but implementation would be historic and all the details will be worked out by the parties involved.

First, the U.S. govt. should nationalize Fagooger and seize their facilities including server farms and software, compensating them fairly via the eminent domain laws. They should then operate them via Congressional-created commissions, much like the Security Exchange Commission (SEC) regulates the stock market now. Old private company employees can opt to become federal employees, and new ones can be trained and hired.

The whole operation would be funded by allocations by Congress, not ad revenue, taking that perversion off the table forever. Each U.S. citizen would automatically be issued an account based on his/her Social Security number, with the ability to create aliases for the public. The govt. would have no ability to moderate content except through the federal court system that handles copyrights, libel, criminal activity, etc. Never again can accounts be terminated for political content, except with full due process of law protecting their Constitutional (First Amendment, etc.) rights via the federal court system, giving them the sole power of terminating social media accounts via court order.

Each citizen operating Facebook, Google, and Twitter accounts under their real name or a chosen alias will still be free to pay and accept paid advertisements, but no longer will some Fagooger octopus be able to buy and sell their private data, which will now be in the hands of the federal govt. and protected by federal laws much like income tax and Social security data.

If we believe that the First Amendment lives and is protected by the U.S. govt., this is the ultimate solution. The U.S. and its Constitution will rise or fall based on their guardianship of the social media system. It would be expedient for Congress to create special Federal Social Media Courts to facilitate justice.

The age of boy tycoons dropping out of college to become billionaire robber barons threatening our basic freedoms would be kaput. This alone wins the argument for my plan.

C ya at the top.

Alternatives to Horrible Facebook Forming Fast

Meanwhile Facebook has some token competition.

Turn Google Image into your own Nicebook, making Facebook obsolete - hot idea for 2018!

OnlyMeWorld - newest alternative to Facebook and Google+, respects right to anonymity!

Gab - free speech social network

Google+ is a clear improvement over Facebook. Too bad, they also require real names, and are deleting users with aliases, but since I don't think of them as the Beast, maybe they will smarten up and allow aliases for public use, as in profiles etc., for those who provide their real identity, like computer bulletin boards used to do. Come to think of, ever since they banned InfoWars I do think of them as part of the Beast, let's hope for a Messiah.

Diaspora - Saner Alternative to Facebook

Mind - non-censoring alternative to Facebook

Chime In: New social network pays you for your private data!

Flowd - for music fans and groups

Four Bright Alternatives to Evil Dark Facebook

Social Go - social network maker.

Crazygood - yet another alternative to Fascistbook.

FreedomWorks - an alternative for Conservatives

Dislike Facebook

Dislike Facebook
Dislike Facebook

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Mark Zuckerberg Now Reportedly Identifies With A New Political Party 

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Anyone who used Facebook in the last 16 years can now get settlement money. Here's how. 

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NHS data breach: trusts shared patient details with Facebook without consent 

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